Thursday 29 September 2011

England has been basking in Mediterranean temperatures! 27C today.

Bracebridge Pool. Sutton Park. 
Well, like those proverbial buses, when you are waiting for one , for what seems an age, along come three at once!
   This being the consecutive days of wall-to-wall sunshine we are presently experiencing here. And how!! 
I was starting to think about an autumn tidy up in the garden, when it suddenly switched back to summer mode! 
My geraniums are loving it, and the last of my roses are blooming again. But it seems a touch incongruous to be looking at leaves drifting from the trees in temperatures of 26C+. 
Never is such a joy to be under an over-arching infinite blue all day. And we had breakfast, lunch and dinner outside sitting at the patio table. 
  Yet for a couple of hours we took ourselves off for a long walk in the park.
It is one of the largest urban parks in Europe.  

And so we wandered under clear blue skies basking in the warmth of the sunshine, and for me, the sense of open air freedom.
I love trees.
And to quote another of my poets, one William Wordsworth,
                    Light through trees near Blackroot Pool. Sutton Park                                                                                                 
 "In that sweet mood when pleasure loves to pay

      Tribute to ease; and, of its joy secure,                        
      The heart luxuriates with indifferent things,
      Wasting its kindliness on stocks and stones,
      And on the vacant air." 

I find trees somehow majestic,and ageless. A presence all of their own. So I 
guess I "waste my kindliness" on them! I always have a camera handy. Today 
taking photographs of the light as it sparkled on the pools, and twinkling down 
through the leaves, leaving patches of shifting shade 
A "toadstool" encountered as we walked along.
It seemed a little bizarre to see autumn fungi side by side with what was to all intents and purposes the wrong season! There were lots of differing kinds,but if I had stopped to take any more photos, we would never have made it home for lunch around 2.00pm, having set out from our house, on foot, at 10.30am.   
And as usual, I made a beeline for the ice cream man, who is to be found near the Jubilee Stone. 
Nothing like a "99" on a hot day! 
A big dollop of ice-cream with a chocolate flake, when eaten sitting on a bench, in the shade of a big tree, and a stirring small breeze wafting the air, is perfect!        I can never understand why Timelord declines to join me in this ritual!
So, we spent in this afternoon in the garden, eating our dinner in the evening warmth, under the patio umbrella. Until once again indoors, the sounds coming in from the open windows seem somehow more mellow. There is not a breath of wind and the dew is falling fast.
The stars have appeared. And tomorrow, so we are told, it will be another beautiful day..............time to sleep..................    
Little Bracebridge Pool. Sutton Park. 
And to quote William again.............
"---------------------IT seems a day
      (I speak of one from many singled out)
      One of those heavenly days that cannot die;"

It will live on in the memory when winter calls.  

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