Saturday 15 October 2011

Autumn has finally taken over........with the promise of one more beautiful day.October 15th 2011

Snail on the yucca. 
I woke up this morning and looked out of the back window and there was frost on the extension roof.
Going outside I could see my breath as it made a small vapour trail.
Glorious autumn day in prospect.
Tiger came along the path and played with the fallen leaves before dashing up the apple tree, which also doubles as a scratching post for his claws.
A lone snail slid along the smooth leaf spike of my yucca plant.
I was amazed to see that the yucca has been completely mystified by the recent burst of high temperatures and  sunshine, so has begun to produce new flower spikes.
Wonder how long it will be before a real hard frost nips them in the bud?
But just the day for planting my wall flowers..........

And a coffee sitting at the patio the warm sun. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz      

Maple leaves turning colour
Early  morning 15th October. 

The last of the apples

Tiger in the apple tree 

My yucca has begun to send up flower spikes, thinking  it is still summer!

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