Friday 4 November 2011

November arrives........with late Spring-like temperatures!

Sunbright nasturtiums
Cherry tree leaves and yucca spikes. 

My "Sir Cliff Richard Rose", a present, blooming in the 17C heat of November 1st!,
Each year I plant packets of nasturtium seeds in early May and more in late June. They are nondescript dried nobbly seeds, and I am rewarded with bursts of vibrant colour in late summer 

through to early autumn. This year right up to November. 
The first day of November began mistily, and then cleared to a glorious clear blue sky, and warm sunshine. I walked up to our local shops without needing 

a coat. 
It was the warmest 1st November I can remember.    

 Bright yellow Forsythia flowers, usually appear in February!

A branch of my climbing hydrangea creeping up to the front door. 

Maple leaves.

Early morning 1st November 2011

Sunset November 3rd 2011

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