Sunday 11 December 2011

Saturday December 10th 2011. Winter finally decides to arrive..

7.00am. The moon just setting behind the houses.
I woke up to an extremely heavy frost, and all the house roofs were white. It was
 -3C during the night. I looked out of the upstairs window watching the moon sinking out of sight below the horizon. The garden plants were etched in rime. Here is a lingering alchemilla mollis, determined to outlast the beginnings of the proper winter weather.    
Alchemilla mollis

As usual, I went outside and took some more photos once the sun began to appear. A fine bright start to the day. But cold.My breath hung on the air in a mist. It is finally feeling like winter, and the days are truly short. Sunset at 3.55pm. Sunrise at 8.00am. There are now only 8 hours of daylight, with the winter Solstice coming up on the 22nd December.Known as the Shortest Day of the year here in the UK.            
Bush roses still resisting the cold!
View from the loft bedroom. Always a vantage point!
Frost on the roofs. 

Sunrise. 8.10am. Taken from the front of the house. 

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