Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The fabled Northern Lights appear over Northern Britain. January 22nd - 24th 2012

The fabulous "Aurora Borealis" were in the skies above Britain on Sunday evening. I have only seen them once, and standing in our garden several years back, in 2004, at midnight, watching the translucent green glow, and the outward reaching rays in the sky, was an unforgettable experience. It makes you feel very small at the vastness of the universe. I've included part of a report in "The Times " this morning, which explains the phenomenon.    
Near Alnwick. Northumberland. (Newspaper photo) 

"They have been seen in gorgeous green arcs over Dundee and reported dancing in the skies over Edinburgh Castle. They have even glowed softly all the way south to Northumberland, Cleveland and Yorkshire.
The good news for anyone desperate to see the Northern Lights this week is that you don’t have to go to Norway or Iceland. All you have to do is look up.
Over the next few days, even Londoners stand a chance of glimpsing the phenomenon known as the Aurora Borealis.
Subtle hues of purple, yellow, orange, and the classic streaks of green have been reported across British skies, thanks to an an unusually powerful solar explosion.
Normally only visible in or near the Arctic Circle, the fabled light show has reached so far south because of a peak of activity, as electrically charged particles from the sun excite the Earth’s magnetic fields.
They are expected to be visible again tonight and tomorrow night, cloud and light pollution permitting, after a further strong solar storm in the early hours of this morning.
Charged particles travelling up to 2,200km per second are now racing towards Earth, and are expected to conjure up the kind of light show which has not been seen above British skies for a decade."
If you would like to view some amazing photos taken in the UK on Sunday evening got to this link. 
 It is well worth it!
Meantime we are all hoping for clear skies tonight! 


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