Wednesday 11 January 2012

Wednesday 11th January 2012 A burst of spring.............

A January rose blooming underneath the front window. A flock of red-wings from Scandinavia wondering where the winter went! Wild flowers appearing..............makes us hope that the winter will just stay in this gentle mood............
Rose still growing and blooming in January! 
 This morning was almost like spring.. ....temperature of 12C. But will it last? Who knows? Best to enjoy it while you can as the weather forecast is for a cold blast of arctic air by the weekend. The seasons have been topsy-turvy this winter, and there are daffodils already out in counties further south. So here are are a few photos I took as I enjoyed my morning. I sat for awhile later on and had a coffee in the summerhouse. Tiger came and sat on the step just outside the door, watching the activity of the various birds in the garden. The robin is now singing once more and I have already had a pair of spotted woodpeckers on the feeders.            
Signs of climbing hydrangea budding on the wall

Morning light! Almost felt like spring...

My yucca flowering at the front of the house!

 Over-wintering geraniums in the summerhouse.  

Tiger enjoying the sunshine

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