Thursday 24 May 2012

A real mini heatwave! Till next Tuesday at least. 27C today,

Blue sky day today! The garden has been veritably basking in the sunshine the past few days. And so have I!  Out there morning till early evening. The patio window open, and the summerhouse with doors fully extended.....And me, I love the feel of cool grass under my feet.      

 Well, I discovered on or two things today........
Just underneath  the ledge of the patio table, I spotted a miniature cocoon, when I pushed my chair back hundreds of newly hatched tiny spiders took exception  to the vibrations and descended on gossamer threads! They didn't do anything, and once I had settled down  to eat my lunch, they scuttled back up again and huddled together in their spider nursery. I was fascinated.

 The next event was finding that I have two or three wild honey bees using the bee box. They were being busy too!  As I always have my camera handy, I took their photo.  

 Everything suddenly seems to be "busting out all over" as the old song goes.
So I took more pictures throughout the day as I carried on planting  sunflower seeds, and mowing the grass.
Already one or two sunflowers are pushing above the soil.  

Late afternoon. 

Cool grass under my feet
Sundown. 9.00pm

Sunset seen through the bathroom window

Glorious end to a glorious day!

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