Tuesday 24 July 2012

From dawn till dusk, a gift of a day.

Dawn breaking 4.15am

Isn't it amazing that we have the infinite capacity to forget all about the incessant weeks of rain, when all of a sudden the skies clear to glorious blue and the sun comes out to cheer us once again.

I looked out at a beautiful dawn, and knew it would be a lovely day.

So, of course I went outside and took the first of the day's pictures.
Snapshots in time, which do not really do it justice.
   You cannot smell the freshness of the early morning air nor catch the scent of the dew on the grass.  
7.59 a.m.
8.03 am
 As the day unfolded I was able to have my breakfast outside sitting at the patio
table, after hubby departed for work. The bumble bees, who are nesting in a hole in the rockery, were already buzzing merrily, lifting their bodies into the air and seeking out the opened flowers. But one of these fine days, albeit few and far between, I swear Tiger will not escape being stung on his nose. He sits, fascinated by the comings and goings of the bees to their hole in the ground, to such an extent he is far too near! Ears pricked forwards, intent in his gaze. I have tried to make it more difficult by inserting two small sticks either side of the bees' entrance. We will see what transpires.  At least for now, he cannot get his nose too near!        

 I then went off to my informal French conversation group, which we have in a nearby cafĂ©. We had an enjoyable hour and a half chatting about various subjects, and it really makes me feel like I am back in France, especially as the weather was fine, sunny and warm. Back home for lunch, and then, making the most of the afternoon, back outside in the garden. My box hedge was giving out a kind of pungent, but pleasant aroma in the heat. I reckon it was about 24C.            
17.59 pm Poppies, shrub roses and nasturtiums, all tumbling over each other 


So, with the wind rustling the leaves of the trees which surround the garden, I sat in the shade of the patio table umbrella and ate my lunch, before beginning the challenge set out for us, to read a French novel or other such book written in French, to recommend it at our next meeting in September, as the holiday season is upon us. The school's have finished and hurrah, hurrah, our road is not now choked with cars as a result!!          
 So, from dawn to dusk, a gift of a day.
Here at least.
I only have to read about or listen to the news, to know that for many parts of this planet things are not so good..............my heart breaks for Syria. The problem being, that we see what is happening right in front of us, via our television sets,  but it renders us powerless to do anything. We can only hope and pray that the people trying to bring some kind of resolution to this horrific conflict will one day succeed.    And their dawn to dusk days will once again be at peace.        

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