Friday 6 July 2012

July 6th Forecast today: Localised floods and heavy persistent rain!

Today, I woke at 4.30am and it was fine and there was already a mist in the air hanging round the taller trees. But it was fine, after a lovely day yesterday, when I mowed the grass and enjoyed the  novelty of being able to actually do some gardening and then sit outside to read another book, having finished one the previous day.     
              Tiger is not amused! 8.00am. 

    By 8.00am the rain was falling steadily and I grabbed my umbrella to take some pictures in case the garden is so sodden later in the day, the plants will be a sorry sight. As I write now, at 9.30am, it is heavier already with a forecast of localised flooding. Also extremely humid, with little wind stirring the leaves which are dripping constant water drops.
    The garden snails are loving it! Some of them having chomped on my hosta plants.  
    The weather has caused this fungi to grow at the base of one of our trees.
  • A soggy poppy.

    Raindrops on the yucca

    Nasturtiums growing among the shrub roses 

    Hydrangea head flowering

    Rain falling onto the pebbles in a dish

 English summer!! 2012
Tiger retreated soon after I took this photo and went into his favourite place, stretching out underneath the velux window in the bedroom in the loft. It's warm, and, most importantly, dry!  

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