Friday 10 August 2012

Barbecue weather........ August 10th 2012.

View through the summer house window. 7.15pm.  
Evening in the summer house.   
After another beautiful day, his nibs and I are in the summer house enjoying the balmy evening, and the quiet calm. There is hardly a breath of wind. 
There are apples appearing on the tree once again, much smaller than last year, owing to the vagaries of our weather this time.
This afternoon, I watched a buzzard lazily circling over head, and then two seagulls began to call raucously and dive bomb him, but he was unperturbed and circled on his way. 
The 10th August always has poignant overtones for me, as I know in 4 weeks time there will be another 10th. September. The 6th anniversary of the death of our son Matthew, aged 30. So, it tugs at my heart strings, and as we inevitably go towards that date, it has its ups and  downs. 
My blog about Matt is found at 

We remember him, and the times he spent in this garden in earlier years.    
So, gardening has been a great solace and therapy for the last 6 years, and although I plant sun flowers to bloom in September, the slugs munched their way through most of them, but there are 3 still standing, with the large flower centres forming. Last year was an amazing one for my favourite blooms, it had been dry meaning there were fewer slugs!
Never mind, there may yet be one that will open in a few weeks!  
Ah well, time for a brew, as someone used to say.................................................  

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