Sunday 21 October 2012

October 21st A morning of gossamer like cobwebs everywhere.

"The gossamers wander at their own will."

Edward Thomas. "October"

It was an amazing sight this morning in the mist, to see the cobwebs everywhere. Why do the spiders make these webs in October? I have no idea.They must know, somehow, that there will be plenty of flies and insects for them to trap.
I watched a spider yesterday in our front garden, as his web had been broken, by this morning there was another one, perfectly spun.

It reminded me of a saying my father used to read to me when I was small.

"If at first you don't succeed
Try and try again.
'Tis a lesson you must heed
Try and try again".

This was after he recounted the story of Robert the Bruce of Scotland and the Spider. A tale I loved to hear!

I just realised that the Scottish people are voting tomorrow in a referendum to say whether or not they want independence from the United Kingdom! Maybe the legend will come true once again!! Or not! .......    

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