Tuesday 6 November 2012

November 2012

Sunrise 7.00am 6th November 2012

November has finally begun, and now the real evidence of the year dying on it's feet is seen in the trees and gradual decline of life in the garden border. This morning began with a beautiful sunrise, and the quiet stillness of a day which seems to hold it's breath. A kind of waiting.......then the everyday sounds gather pace.
I have planted wallflowers for their colour next spring. 
 Aside from the cheeping of a flock sparrows hidden in the shrubbery, there are now no beautiful fluid liquid songbirds, their voices silent till spring comes round once more. Only the robin, whose bright red breast cheers us in the winter months, sings out his shortened song. 
Last night, being 5th November, is known as Bonfire Night. A tradition whose history goes back to the time when Guy Fawkes was arrested on that date in 1605, with gunpowder in the cellars of The Houses of Parliament, in London. It became known as the "Gunpowder Plot". As people celebrated  the failure of the attempt on the life of King James the first, they lit bonfires and burnt effigies of popular hated figures. 
Children still make "Guys" to put on top of their bonfires. When we were young we used to make them and then take them round the neighbourhood, asking "Penny for the guy".                    

 We used to collect wood for weeks.
Here is a letter I included in  my blog of reflections on my childhood days.


 So last night the dark night sky was punctuated by the brilliant starburst colours of skyrockets, and the sound of the bangs of fireworks. A cold frosty clear night where the stars were so bright in the heavens.  
Tiger took refuge in doors.
And as for me, I was at choir rehearsal, beginning, with the others, to sing through two Christmas  carols, which we will include in our concert in early December. Only 4 rehearsals to go!          
Tiger sitting one of his favourite "scratching posts".

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