Sunday 30 December 2012

2012! Officially wettest year on record for the UK !

Yes, it is official. After the first three months of 2012 were as dry as a bone and hosepipe bans being planned, the heavens opened and really cascaded down almost unrelentingly, punctuated with intermittent dry spells.
Now we are on the thresh-hold of 2013, and it is the time of year annual reviews begin to appear, in the newspapers and on television. Or, dare I say a blog.      
28th June 10.30am. Storm approaching!
This blog chronicles my year such as it was, without the need for a review.
I enjoy looking back and seeing the first steps into 2012, when, until just lately, it has rained so much there has not been any kind of weather for gardening or longer walks. Nor even taking photographs.
These things could've been attempted, but I have never seen the attraction of getting thoroughly soaked undertaking an activity which is supposed to be enjoyable.
For me it is like seeing a jogger running in the sodden pathways of the park, or grimly pounding,the pavements on a grey miserable December day!
 December has felt damp, dark and dismal. Yes there were some lighter days, but few and far between.
So here I am, post Christmas, and pre New Year's Eve.

                       Supper with friends once again. Friday 28th December.
 One of the things I have very much enjoyed this year is the company of friends. It is something I resolved to do at the beginning of January, to make an effort to spend time forging links. We are no longer on Facebook in that virtual world. It is not for us, although I do recognise that it is important for others. This has meant keeping two calendars as well as my daily diary. The two calendars mean that hubby and I know what each other is doing! As well as doing things together we each have lots of other activities.      
 It was lovely to be welcomed by a hearth looking so festive and pretty with it's candles and lights.
 The food was excellent! And compliments given to the "chef", who described to us how she prepares a Polish Christmas on Christmas Eve, for her family. This is now also passed down to her daughter, who makes the traditional 12 dishes for her family.These dishes are to represent the 12 Apostles. Then Christmas gifts are exchanged. Christmas Eve being the more important date on the calendar.

A veritable feast!
                 The candles were set in jars decorated with lace and buttons. Very creative.
   So here I am on the verge of 2013, and already a visit to a friend an hour and a half's drive away will be undertaken by the two of us the first week of the New Year.
A treat to come!
And we will usher in the New Year tomorrow by several of us going to see "The Hobbit" at the cinema, then on to an evening at another's house. This is something we have not done during the past 6 years, finding New Year's Eve difficult since the death of our eldest son. But somehow this time, I can peep into the uncharted year to come with a sense of anticipation........
And included in this is the expected birth of our second grandchild in 6 weeks time. I am really loving being a granny to Samuel, now almost 15 months old and walking.
Being greeted by his big beaming smile and his arms outstretched for us to sweep him into, is a joy.

                                               Happy New Year!!             

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