Saturday 5 January 2013

A little bit of January sunshine!

Timelord and I took advantage of the early sunshine yesterday to go for a walk. My attempts at a panoramic view were not entirely successful, (if you look very carefully!) but it does capture the crisp light of a beautiful morning. There have been so few this past months. It was not as cold as it has been lately, nor as wet. The birds are now beginning, tentatively, to practise their first new notes in readiness for spring. A long way off I know, but I saw my first crocus in flower, on a verge by the side of the path. We meandered along a lane, and eventually came to the farm shop and cafĂ©, a sight which always gladdens my heart!                                                                                                          We both had a coffee and then set off once more, this time in a homeward direction.
Later on that same morning I went to sit and wait in the summerhouse at the top of the garden, along with my camera, in order to try and photo the redpolls on the feeder.
I did manage eventually, after sitting still for what seemed like an age, to take a picture of one of the goldfinches.
Today, I took one of my little redpolls. They are so dapper with their snazzy red caps. I love to  watch them all when they arrive.
But I could not be a wildlife photographer, as they must have to wait for hours and hours in one place before taking the shot they most prize! Stamina and  patience are required! I must be lazy, preferring to sit and watch them all as they come and go, as I drink a steaming mug of tea!
 A goldfinch on the nyjer seed  feeder

One of the redpolls.   

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