Tuesday 22 January 2013

A snow day! 500 schools closed in our area on Monday, 21st January

It snowed all day on Sunday, and into the night. The schools were closed. Our road was like a sheet of ice. It looks beautiful, but as I have already said, throws up all kinds of problems.
The hospitals are busy treating people who have slipped and fallen.
 I had to stay indoors yesterday, waiting for the man to look at the washing machine, which had decided not to spin at the end of the usual programme, resulting in sodden clothes! As I wrung them out by hand, it reminded me of our holidays in France on the camp sites, where, from time to time I did the laundry by hand, in the basins provided outside! It seemed a novelty then! But at least it all dried quickly in the sunshine. (Eventually I progressed to using the pay machine. Unless it had a label on it saying "en panne!")  I learned quickly that it meant it was "out of order".        
Monday 21st January.2013. 
  I waited more in hope, than in any conviction that he would negotiate the hazardous roads, and arrive. He rang the doorbell at 4.00pm. A cheerful chappy, who took one look at the washer and, having been informed what was the matter, proceeded to tell me that there was nothing wrong!
"Ah" he said, "I'll bet when I put it on spin it will work".
It did!
The explanation being the programme computer had "got itself confused". If I left it next time when it appeared to have difficulty with it's spin, rather than switching it off because it was not working properly, it would "rebalance itself" !
When I asked how long I had to leave it spinning before it corrected it's "balance", he replied, "Could be an hour" !
I put a load in, after he had gone cheerfully on his way, and was very happy to hear it rev up and set off on it's spin, increasing the speed by degrees. It corrected itself almost immediately.  One happy bunny here is now washing everything in sight. Where would we be without electricity and modern appliances!                  
Tuesday January 22nd 
Today it's the turn of the dishwasher engineer to come along. It has been out of order for two weeks. This time it does need new parts! Glad to say it is still under an extended warranty.
The third thing that happened " Quel horreur!" My hairdryer packed up!! Oh Nooooooooooooooo!
Disaster. That hairdryer has seen good service. It is always one of the first things that I place next to my case when going on holiday. Been drying my hair since 2004. Not bad going!
So, farewell faithful friend.
Good job I have a spare!
Now I need another spare!

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