Saturday 23 March 2013

March 23rd 2013 Officially Spring! But maybe, by the 31st ,the coldest March since 1962!

A day of  more snow, 7.15am - 7.20pm.
On the 23rd March last year, 2012, we were basking in temperatures well above seasonal averages. Glorious wall-to-wall sunshine and Spring arriving earlier than usual. 
    This year the winter has been hanging on with a vengeance! 
I for one long for the return of blue skies and warmer air. 
7.30am. View from bedroom window
The whole country has suffered terrible snowfalls, gale force winds, power lines down, flooding, and icy blasts of Arctic winds. 
We shiver and slither along. 
    Not me, unfortunately this past week, I have been confined to the house with yet another virus, a trip to the doctor's, my hubby having to take me. 
Night's without sleep, because of breathing problems........ok I'm indulging in a big MOAN! 
But it makes me feel a bit better for that, so we'll gloss over the rest.

Once more,as I'm now confined to the spare room at night, or hubby would not be able to sleep, I have a catalogue of gadgets to keep me going through the small hours. And a small dispensary of stuff from the chemist!
Laptop, in case I feel like taking my mind off coughing, to watch tv programmes on i-player. 
i-Pod for talking books or just soothing sounds of the sea, and my treasured mini digital radio, so I can listen to various programmes whilst trying to drift off into the Land of Nod.  

2.30pm. View from bedroom window

It is amazing how many people are up in the night. They text in to radio programmes about all kinds of things. 
And as I look out of my window, if I get up to  make a foray down to the kitchen to replenish a flask of hot water, I have noticed that  there are a few houses where there is a light on show all night. Usually a small upstairs landing  window. Lights in the dark are comforting. 
So my routine this past week hasn't really varied. I don't remember the first few days anyway!  
 But, by this evening, I have felt more like writing here things are looking up!
I am beginning to feel the urge to escape the confines of the house. So made a mini bid for freedom, about 7.10pm. (I know it wasn't perhaps the best choice, but I just wanted to smell some fresh air, no matter how cold!) I took my camera and wrapped up like a yeti, to walk down the garden path.
It felt so good!
Snow, for all we are detesting the weather, is beautiful as well as lethal.
I took these photos of the silent evidence.       

 And yet, I know, as I have known all this past week, that at 4.45am, (yes, so early!) the birds are beginning their Spring songs. They sing on in the cold, ice and snow, and gladden my heart.
At least they know, that we reached the Spring Equinox this week, and at that paradigm shift they begin their annual rituals of territorial songs, and courtship.  

 So, as we shiver and wait, surely, surely, it cannot "always be winter and never spring" to  misquote CS Lewis's " It is always winter and never Christmas"  in Narnia.
Meantime, we wait..................

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