Thursday 1 March 2012

March 1st 2012

7.30am. Morning  mist clearing after frost.
Promise of a spring like day as the sun climbs the sky! 
We arrived home from a trip to see friends in Dubai, on Tuesday afternoon, after a whistle stop 5 nights. The temperatures were considered "low" by our hosts! But it was just right for us! A bit like Baby Bear's porridge in "Goldilocks". Not too hot and not too cold!
Averaging around 27C - 28C was comfortable.
The evenings, although cooler, meant we could eat dinner outside on the patio. A welcome change from the  cold of February.
    A relative, who had been out there to visit over Christmas, described Dubai as rather like Las Vegas on steroids! 
Not a bad description! Having been dubious about what to expect, it not being our usual type of destination, I found it really interesting. 
So, now we are back home, and the birds are singing their spring songs, and busy nest building, I must confess, 
East, West, home's best! 
Fountain display. Mall of the Emirates 29C
Time to go out there and enjoy the novelty of a sunny day!      

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