Sunday 25 March 2012

Spring is officially here. The clocks have been moved forward one hour. March 25th 2012

Well it really feels like spring this past few days. Yesterday, the 24th March, we were at the home of one of our friend's in the afternoon. There is this magnificent magnolia tree in full bloom. 
As it was around 19C we all sat outside in the garden. Our friend's daughter was having a fund-raising event, and as people came and went, eating the lovely cakes and downing tea, coffee and various assortments of soft drinks, it was more like a summer Garden Party. We all sat outside.      
The forsythia next door to our house, is a glorious bright yellow, and as we have not had much rain lately, it has not been spoiled by having it's blooms battered about! In fact it still feels like early summer today. Makes everyone more relaxed and shed the winter layers of clothing, to don the lighter weight attire of warmer days and longer evenings.As I write this the clock is striking seven, and the sun is still shining outdoors. British Summer Time officially began when the whole nation altered it's clocks last night. 
To quote the old saying: "Spring forward
                   Fall back.".......... 
to help us remember to put them on one hour in Spring and back an hour in the Autumn.   
 And by our front porch the climbing hydrangea is wakening.
And, as the fund-raiser was for a trip to Borneo, to help, amongst other things with a local village, there was a great cake topped by an orang-utang! 
Good day all round. 

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