Tuesday 27 March 2012

Tuesday 27th March 2012. 7.08pm. 16C!

5.00pm Tuesday 27th March.
April is around the corner, and already the buds are beginning to unfurl. We have had glorious weather since the weekend, and it was 20C here today, with a clear blue sky.  
Here's a quote from one of my favourite poems

April Rise. by Laurie Lee

Blown bubble-film of blue, the sky wraps round 
Weeds of warm light whose every root and rod
Splutters with soapy green, and all the world
Sweats with the bead of summer in its bud.
If ever I heard blessing it is there
Where birds in trees that shoals and shadows are
Splash with their hidden wings and drops of sound
Break on my ears their crests of throbbing air.

Early evening light. 
Spring is springing!
Now, as the almond burns its smoking wick, 
Dropping small flames to light the candled grass; 
Now, as my low blood scales its second chance, 
If ever world were blessed, now it is.

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