Friday 22 June 2012

Summer has officially arrived......could someone please tell the weather!

Wednesday, June 20th ought to have had the accolade for the first official day
of summer! It had everything going for it. Sunshine, from dawn at 3.50am, to
sunset at
9.30pm. Warmth and blue where did it go|?
Tiger Wednesday June 20th 2012. Temperature 24C
"Ingrid Bergman" about to bloom
Wednesday June 20th 2012 Glorious day. 

As I was on the train going to Bristol yesterday, Midsummer's Day in the Northern Hemisphere, June 21st, I looked out of the window to see curtains of rain falling on sodden waterlogged fields.  
In some places there was so much damp  that there was white mist everywhere.
June 21st being the Summer Solstice, and the official beginning of summer. The 15,000 people who had gathered at Stonehenge in Wiltshire to see the sun rise between the ancient prehistoric stones, were ankle deep in mud.
 I was still cosily tucked under the duvet at that point in time.
I carried on my journey enjoying a good book, a cup of coffee and a bar of chocolate.
Comfort food!
It didn't really improve, but as I was spending the day meeting my daughter-in-law and grandson, it
meant at least that the parlous state of the first day of summer did not unduly bother me. We were indoors in the warm and dry.
As I write, it is sheeting it down outside and the dark clouds scudding across a dismal sky.
Summer!! Bah!
Yet, and yet, there is always hope,...........
My mother had a saying, and we still quote it even now,
"It's fairing up a bit"
We used to look at her incredulously when sitting in some seaside shelter in, what seemed to us, a force ten gale and driving rain!
"It's fairing up a bit???"
"Nah, you're havin' a laugh!" we probably thought.
I think Tiger decided it would improve today, 22nd, when he went and sat under a bush all morning in great indignation at once more having his activities curtailed. At least on Wednesday, 20th June, there was sun and warmth.  And he caught a field mouse, promptly taking it over the hedge into next door's garden, before I could coax him to give it to me. He has got wise to that!            
Tiger sheltering under a bush from the rain, Friday 22nd June 2012 
 So, no mousing today I'm afraid, too wet for mice!

"Rain, rain, go away, come again another day "

The garden looks good, but enough is enough, bring back the sunshine!!!

Poppy about to flower  

BBC News quote.
"Stormy weather is causing disruption to sporting and cultural events, including the Olympic torch relay.
A festival to mark the torch's arrival in Blackpool has been moved inside as organisers say participants are facing the tour's wettest weather so far. (June 22nd 2012)
The Isle of Wight Festival site is waterlogged and England's cricket match against the West Indies was called off.Forecasters say heavy rain is affecting Northern England, Northern Ireland, North Wales and south-west Scotland.
The Met Office has an amber "be prepared" warning in place in England for the North West, East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber, West Midlands, and in Northern Ireland, north Wales, south west Scotland, Lothian Borders, Strathclyde, Central, and Tayside and Fife.
It has also warning of severe conditions for parts of Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Lancashire. Up to 50-60mm (2-2.4in) of rainfall is expected and in some places that could rise to 100mm (4in)." 
No more to add to that!!!

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