Sunday 17 June 2012

Making the most of the good days! The great British summer....

Although we English generally have a tendency to moan about the weather, when the sun comes out, we do make the most of it, where possible. I took a selection of photos on holiday in Cornwall, and include some of them here.  We had a few days, on our way home, staying with friends in Bude in North Cornwall. It happened to be the Diamond Jubilee Weekend. The Monday was actually fine and sunny, so we spent the time out and about, enjoying the sight of people just taking part in activities or simply sitting and savouring the novelty of a fine sunny day!   . 
Castle Grounds Bude, Cornwall.
Taken during the celebrations for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee   
Here I quote from the BBC weather site.
"A very disappointing start to summer
Has June really started? The Queen's Jubilee river pageant was badly hampered by rain and notably low temperatures, it wasn't just Prince Philip that fell ill, some 500 or so spectators were treated for June. Then an unusually deep low headed our way bringing a lot of rain, very strong winds and quite a bit of disruption. A few trees were toppled, bringing down some power lines and affecting transport networks, and numerous marquees were blown off their moorings. Two campsites in west Wales were inundated with flood water and the Third Test at Edgbaston was washed out for the opening two days, the first time that has happened in England, in June, for 48 years.
I think you'll agree that the start of summer has failed to get anyone excited, shorts and tee-shirts still in the wardrobe and no real signs of things settling down for a while." 

Enjoying an icecream at Porthleven 
 Inspite of all that, we did have some warm days, and the ladies sitting enjoying their icecreams benefitted from the unexpected improvement!
Porthleven Harbour. Cornwall.

St Ives beach. Cornwall
 Not many people sitting on this beach, as there was a keen wind blowing. But St Ives has so many  nooks and crannies to explore, and for me, so many artists' shops. Some of them with artists actually in situe, painting. I love it!
Mullion Cove. The Lizard. Cornwall
My favourite place of all time. Timeless, beautiful, and always the same. I took this photo on a particularly lovely evening during our week's stay. We've already arranged to be back once more, as ever, next year, and who knows? maybe the pull of the beauty and peace will draw us back in between. I will never tire of this place, after 20 years of holidaying here, and as long as I am able, will be returning to the Lizard.

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