Saturday 16 June 2012

Topsy turvy summer????? June 2012

After we came back from a break in Cornwall recently, the garden had suddenly taken off! The poppies had appeared everywhere growing at a tremendous pace.

The effect of all the sunshine before we went away followed by lots of rain, especially this past week, made the grass a lush luminous green and the roses needed staking as it became windy towards mid week.

It has been an up and down summer so far, unsettled, and so much rain recently that several places have been flooded.

Nevertheless the plants look good. But by now I think we are all beginning to hope that the rain would fall during the night!!    

So as once more it is raining hard outside, and my hubby's cricket match was cancelled, (he would've been umpiring today)
I wonder if summer will actually come along sometime, and surprise us with a glimpse of sun in the sky!

Poppies everywhere!

Rain drops on the alchemilla mollis 

Sunshine and very heavy showers!!

1 comment:

  1. They tell me summer will begin at the end of next week! As we're heading for the Rose Bowl that would be very nice!
