I started the day with breakfast in the summerhouse. It was a beautiful morning with another azure blue sky. Warm, sunshine, smell of blossom and hardly any breeze.
Later I began to work on weeding the rockery, and then found myself fascinated by a wild bumble bee, who was transporting pollen in his leg sacks, into a small hole in the soil. I watched him for ages, back and forth. Just how do they fly?! Such large bodies for such tiny wings.
View from summerhouse |
I spent most of the day outside, the washing dried in no time on the line. The down side being it has to be ironed!! But I hate being cooped up on a ( very rare) summer day.
My "wild patch" in the garden. |
So now, on a warm evening and friends coming to dinner, maybe it will be summer again tomorrow..........
Apple blossom. |
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