Sunrise early December |
I woke this morning snug and warm under the duvet. It was still dark at 6.30a.m. I listened to the song of a robin travelling through the stillness. Hubby was asleep at my side. Gradually the sky lightened imperceptibly bit by bit, until a piercingly bright clear blue sky appeared, and the last stars faded
It was cold outside. Frost on the cars. Ice in the birdbaths.
A glorious morning.
A small flock of greenfinches eventually gathered in the ash tree next door, taking what was left of the pendulous seeds.
Six redwings have appeared, and gather each day in the silver birch at the end of the garden. I love redwings. I wondered where they had begun their journey to our shores for the winter. I know that Scandinavia can be a starting point. The migration of birds in spring and winter never ceases to fascinate me. The why's and how's. There are still some things that scientists cannot readily prove. The goldfinches arrived to feed and squabble on the nyjer seed holders hanging off the old apple tree.
So the day began.
Christmas is everywhere, inescapable, lights, shops, cards, trees in windows, houses glowing in the dark, some of them probably overloading the National grid! Hard to escape the mayhem at times and remember the real meaning behind it all.
At lunchtime hubby and I and two good friends went to a lunchtime Carol Concert in the Cathedral in Birmingham.
It was in aid of the Make a Wish Foundation. which grants wishes to children fighting with life threatening conditions.
Once inside the Cathedral, facing the east window, you are faced with the beauty of the Burne Jones stained glass with sunlight pouring through. The colours are so vibrant.
The Choir, made up of mainly young lawyers from one of the City firms began to sing the Introit, " Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree " before processing down the nave to the familiar congregational hymn, "Oh Come all ye Faithful"I would not be able to count how many times down the years I have sung those familiar words, with various choirs and small groups, not to mention church carol services, from as far back as I can remember. They are timeless. Steeped in history.
It was a treat to hear all those crystal clear voices, blending together in beautiful harmonies, singing traditional and lesser well known pieces.
One of my own personal favourites has to be a John Rutter carol, "What Sweeter Music"
It moved me so much that it brought tears to my eyes. So many memories contained in the emotion that rose up within me. I love to sing.
Time to stop.
Time to remember.
Time to celebrate the Christmas story once again.
This evening I went out in the neighbourhood to deliver the last of the cards by hand. I met three other folk engaged in the same task.
There was a huge moon in the cold sky. Glimpses through windows of twinkling Christmas trees and cosy rooms. The night air cold and clear.
After being invited in to a couple of the houses where I was delivering cards, and having a cup of tea in the last one, it took me longer than I expected! But that, for me, was a bonus.
It's always a pleasure when someone opens the door and beams at you saying, " Come in, I'll put the kettle on"!
And so back home to the warmth and lights of our own Christmas tree twinkling in the darkness................Christmas approaches...........
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